Product Identification Number
business | general
governmental | us government
Plant Information Network
computing | networking
Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia
miscellaneous | funnies
Project Identification Number
computing | software
community | media
governmental | military
Personal Identification Number
governmental | fda
Police Information Network
community | law & legal
Personal Identification Number
business | accounting
business | general
miscellaneous | manufacturing
academic & science | ocean science
medical | physiology
Personal Identification Number
computing | general
Prior Identification Notice
medical | british medicine
Personal Interactive Navigation
Publication Identification Number
community | media
Personal Identification Number
business | general
miscellaneous | unclassified
business | nyse symbols
medical | british medicine
Personal Identification Number
governmental | military
community | unions
Personnel Increment Number
governmental | military
Personal Identification Number
governmental | us government
Partido De IntegraciĆ³n Nacional
international | guatemalan
Personal Identification Number
computing | drivers
Part Or Identifying Number
miscellaneous | manufacturing
Project Identification Number
business | accounting
business | london stock exchange
Posterior Interosseous Nerve
medical | british medicine
Prostate Intraepithelial Neoplasia
medical | physiology
computing | file extensions
Patient Identification Number
medical | british medicine
This Term Had 13 Hits On 23102011, And It Thus Unlikely To Be In Active Use
medical | british medicine
Patron Identification Number
Provider Identification Number
medical | hospitals
Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia
medical | british medicine
Patient Information Network
medical | british medicine
Pinson Incorporating Neighbors
Public Information Network
medical | british medicine
Physician Identification Number
medical | british medicine
Parent Independent Network
community | non-profit organizations
Positive Intrinsic Negative
academic & science | electronics
Personal Identification Number
governmental | police
Plan Identification Number
governmental | military
business | products
Password Identification Notification
computing | security