Modular Spectroscopy Technology
academic & science | physics
miscellaneous | unclassified
Melbourne School Of Theology
miscellaneous | unclassified
Mathematics, Science, And Technology
community | educational
community | performing arts
Movimento Sem Terra (the Movement Of The Landless)
governmental | politics
community | media
Massif Software Technologies
business | companies & firms
miscellaneous | unclassified
academic & science | electronics
academic & science | ocean science
computing | technology
academic & science | electronics
Magneto-strictive Transducer
academic & science | electronics
miscellaneous | unclassified
governmental | nasa
Mountain Standard Time [utc - 0700]
regional | time zones
Multipurpose Shuttle Tanker
governmental | military
Medallions Stones And Trials
miscellaneous | unclassified
computing | hardware
Mef (marine Expeditionary Force) Weather Support Team
governmental | military
computing | general
community | sports
academic & science | mathematics
miscellaneous | food
Microsoft Windows Sdk Setup Script
computing | file extensions
regional | time zones
Meteorological And Oceanographic Support Team
governmental | military
miscellaneous | science fiction
business | asx symbols
computing | file extensions
business | products
governmental | nasa
governmental | transportation
academic & science | electronics
medical | physiology
Minimum Survival Temperature
medical | physiology
medical | physiology
business | products
Measurement Science And Technology
miscellaneous | journals
Maastricht Aachen Airport, Maastricht, Netherlands
regional | airport codes
Microcomputer Systems And Tools
computing | hardware
governmental | fbi files
miscellaneous | unclassified
Master Of Science In Teaching
academic & science | academic degrees
miscellaneous | manufacturing
Mathematics Science And Technology
academic & science | mathematics
medical | physiology
medical | laboratory
Mathematics, Science, And Technology
academic & science | universities
community | media
academic & science | astronomy
governmental | military
community | educational
governmental | nasa
medical | hospitals
miscellaneous | unclassified
governmental | nasa
miscellaneous | manufacturing
academic & science | chemistry
Military Science Training
governmental | military
community | media
governmental | nasa
governmental | nasa
Minimum Survival Temperature
academic & science | botany
miscellaneous | unclassified
Mercantile Stores, Inc (de-listed)
business | nyse symbols
governmental | military
Missouri University Of Science And Technology
academic & science | universities
Mandatory Skills Training
community | educational
Management Skills Training
business | general
governmental | nasa
academic & science | mathematics
Marketable Securities Tax
business | accounting
Monolithic Systems Technology
academic & science | electronics
Minimal Standard Terminology
business | professional organizations
miscellaneous | journals
community | media
computing | hardware
medical | physiology
miscellaneous | unclassified
Prosa Minispecification File
computing | file extensions
Mobile Sanitizing Technology
computing | technology
Methodist Specialty And Transplant Hospital
medical | hospitals
academic & science | physics
governmental | nasa
Mathematics Science Technology
academic & science | mathematics
Maximum Service Telecaster
community | media
business | london stock exchange
governmental | nasa
Master Of Science In Taxation
academic & science | academic degrees
St Cloud State University, St Cloud, Minnesota, Library Code
academic & science | libraries
Marine Specialised Technology
computing | technology
academic & science | geology
Micro Systems Technologies
miscellaneous | unclassified
computing | hardware
medical | laboratory