Hearing Options, Planning, And Encouragement
community | religion
Heavens Opportunity Proclaimed Everywhere
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Other People Everyday
Help Offer Positive Energy
governmental | energy
He Only Provides Eternity
community | religion
community | educational
Homeownership And Opportunity For People Everywhere
community | non-profit organizations
Helping Other Parents Endure
Help Offer Private Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
community | educational
Homes For Orphaned Pets Exist
miscellaneous | unclassified
Honoring Outstanding Prevention Efforts
community | educational
Healing Of People Everywhere
community | non-profit organizations
community | religion
Holsitic Osteoporosis Prevention Education
Honoring Occupational And Personal Empowerment
business | general
community | non-profit organizations
Homeschool Organization Of Parent Educators
community | non-profit organizations
High On Patriotic Enthusiasm
governmental | us government
miscellaneous | unclassified
Help And Opportunity To Pursue Education
community | educational
Help Other People Everywhere
Hochleistungs Penetrator (high Power Penetrator) (munitions)
governmental | military
Helping Occupy Planet Equitably
miscellaneous | unclassified
Home Ownership Participation For Everyone
Having Other Possibilities Exist
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hispanics Organized For Political Equality
governmental | politics
Healthy Options Pertaining To Elders
Honoring Outstanding Personal Efforts
Helpers Overcoming Problems Effectively
community | unions
House Of Prayer For Everyone
community | religion
Health, Outdoor, And Physical Education
community | educational
community | educational
Hope Of Prayer For Everyone
community | religion
business | general
Happiness Oneness Peace And Equality
miscellaneous | unclassified
community | educational
Health Outreach And Prevention Education
medical | hospitals
Hopkinton Organizing To Promote The Economy
miscellaneous | unclassified
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Out People Everywhere
Help Offering Parents Empowerment
community | educational
Human Opportunities Provided Ecumenically
community | religion
miscellaneous | funnies
Helping Outstanding People Excel
business | general
Home To Opportunity, Possibility, And Empowerment
community | educational
Highmark Osteoporosis Prevention And Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hold Onto Positive Expectations
Hudson Organization Pro-education
Health Organizer Plus Essentials
medical | hospitals
Homeownership Opportunities For People Everywhere
Helping Open Peoples Eyes
community | religion
Honesty, Openness, Purity, And Energy
community | religion
Home Of Opportunity, Peace, And Education
community | religion
Horrified Observers Of Pedestrian Entertainment
miscellaneous | funnies
Houses Of Prayer Everywhere
regional | countries
Helping Our People Exceed
miscellaneous | unclassified
Health Opportunity For People Everywhere
medical | physiology
Housing Opportunities For People Everywhere
Helping Others Practice English
community | educational
Hamtramck Odyssey Project For Excellence
miscellaneous | unclassified
Home Oriented Programs For Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
Heaven's Opportunity Proclaimed Everywhere
community | religion
Helping Overcome Professional Exploitation
business | general
Health Opportunities For People Everywhere
medical | hospitals
High On Pursuing Excellence
community | educational
Helping Our People Everyday
Helping Other People Endure
Housing Opportunities, Partnership, And Employment
Help Overcome Professional Exploitation
business | general
Helping To Obtain The Promise Of Education
governmental | state & local
Helping Oppressed People Engage
community | non-profit organizations
House Of Practical English
community | educational
Home Opportunity, Prayer, And Education
community | religion
Heartlanders Opening People's Eyes
community | non-profit organizations
Helping Others Pursue Endurance
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Oncology Patients Excel
medical | oncology
Hyacinth Ornament Production Enterprise
business | companies & firms
Help Our People Everywhere
Hillside Organization Of Parents And Educators
community | educational
Helping Other People Effectively
community | educational
Helping Ourstanding Pupils Educationally
community | educational
Helping Overcome Prejudice Everywhere
Health Opportunities Preparation Education
academic & science | universities
Helping Other People Exist
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hypertension Outreach Prevention Education
medical | hospitals
Helping Obtain Physical And Emotional
miscellaneous | unclassified
Homes Of Personal Encouragement
High Office Parachute Escape
business | occupation & positions
Helping Overcome Poverty's Effects
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Open People's Eyes
community | non-profit organizations
miscellaneous | unclassified
Haudenosaunee Opportunity For Personalized Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
Having Opportunities Preparing For Employment
academic & science | universities
Hiv Outreach Programs And Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Our Pedestrians Everywhere
Hands On Preschool Education
community | educational
Housing Opportunities And Personal Empowerment
community | housing
Helping Other People Excel
community | educational
Having Opportunity Provides Empowerment
Healing Outreach Professional Endeavor
medical | hospitals
Healing Of Persons Exceptional
Helping Ourselves Psychologically Everyday
academic & science | psychology
miscellaneous | unclassified
Health Osteoporosis Progestin Estrogen
medical | physiology
Honest, Orderly, And Peaceful Elections
governmental | politics
Himalayan Outreach And Personal Evangelism
community | religion
Healthy Outreach Peer Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hopkinton Organized To Promote The Economy
Humane Options To Prevent Euthanasia
medical | veterinary
Higher Opportunity Program For Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
governmental | military
Help Obese People Everywhere
History Observation Palpation Evaluation
community | history
Home Ownership For People Everywhere
governmental | state & local
Home Ownership Plus Education
Hendersonians Offering A Promising Environment
Hear Our Prayer Everywhere
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hope Of Pilgrims Everywhere
community | religion
Helps On Personal Evaluation
governmental | us government
Honoring Our Professors Excellence
academic & science | universities
Homeless And Orphaned Pets Endeavor
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Our People Endure
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hannah Organization For Promoting Education
community | educational
Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally
community | educational
Helping Other People Everywhere
Homeless Organizations For Public Education
Helping Ourselves Prosper Economically
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Others Progress Economically
community | religion
Harvard Open-access Publishing Equity Fund
academic & science | universities
Health Outreach And Prevention Education
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Overcome Psychosis Early
miscellaneous | unclassified
Hotline Open Protocol Extension
computing | general
Helping Others Prosper And Encouraging
miscellaneous | unclassified
Helping Other People Excell
miscellaneous | unclassified
Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
medical | physiology
Healing, Offering, Preserving, And Enriching
community | religion