business | companies & firms
miscellaneous | unclassified
Continental Theological Seminary
community | religion
academic & science | mathematics
community | religion
governmental | transportation
medical | physiology
Certified Temporary Staffing
business | occupation & positions
Chicago Telephone Service
business | companies & firms
medical | physiology
Compulsive Travellers Syndrome
medical | human genome
Careflow Transcription Suite
computing | software
Correspondence Tracking System
governmental | us government
business | banking
business | products
Container Terminal Salzburg
miscellaneous | unclassified
community | religion
Communication Terminal Synchronous
computing | networking
computing | hardware
Corporate Transportation Specialist
governmental | transportation
Component Transaction Server
computing | networking
governmental | military
computing | general
business | products
governmental | transportation
computing | general
governmental | us government
community | media
Counseling And Testing Site
governmental | fda
business | products
business | products
computing | telecom
business | stock exchange
Compulsive Traveller's Syndrome
medical | physiology
Community Television Station
community | media
Correspondence Tracking System
governmental | fda
miscellaneous | unclassified
Crossroads Television System
community | media
governmental | transportation
Permanent Location Contents (abc Programming Language)
computing | file extensions
miscellaneous | unclassified
Communications And Tracking System
governmental | nasa
computing | telecom
Career Technology Studies
academic & science | universities
Communications Technology Satellite
academic & science | ocean science
business | general
Carmichael Training Systems
business | companies & firms
Connected Technology Solutions
computing | technology
governmental | military
Commodity Tracking System
governmental | military
Classroom Technology Services
academic & science | universities
Computerized Training System
governmental | nasa
Continental Theological Seminary
academic & science | universities
Cubic Transportation Systems
governmental | transportation
Customer And Trading Support
business | general
Center For Traffic Statistics
community | non-profit organizations
Cordless Telephone System
computing | telecom
miscellaneous | unclassified
υπηρεσίες δοκιών συόρφωσης
international | greek
miscellaneous | unclassified
miscellaneous | unclassified
governmental | transportation
business | banking
Candidate Tracking System
governmental | politics
community | religion
business | products
business | companies & firms
Corporate Translation Services
business | international business
Certified Technology Specialist
business | occupation & positions
Collaborative Testing Services
miscellaneous | unclassified
computing | networking
governmental | transportation
governmental | nasa
governmental | military
Certified Temporary Specialist
business | occupation & positions
miscellaneous | ship types
Consolidated Technology Services
computing | technology
Computer And Technology Showcase
community | conferences
governmental | military
Center For Telangana Studies
academic & science | universities
academic & science | physics
Commodity Transportation Survey
governmental | transportation
Center For Transportation Studies
governmental | transportation
governmental | military
medical | hospitals
Construction Testing Service
miscellaneous | unclassified
governmental | nasa
business | accounting
governmental | military
Cognizant Technology Solutions
computing | software
Cunningham Trading Systems
miscellaneous | unclassified
Construction Testing Services
governmental | transportation
Clinical Technical Support
medical | laboratory
New Chitose Airport, Hokkaido, Japan
regional | airport codes
Chinese Television System
miscellaneous | unclassified
Certified Trauma Specialist
business | occupation & positions
business | nyse symbols
Coolant Temperature Sensor
academic & science | chemistry
business | products
Canadian Technology Satellite
governmental | nasa
Christian Theological Seminary
miscellaneous | unclassified
computing | networking
community | educational
computing | hardware